“Death comes to all of us. I was prepared but perhaps not yet ready.”

Image of episode 18 battlefield


  • End of day sunlight
  • Kobolds appear
  • Death comes to all of us
  • Companions of purpose


Ruminations of an Elf Life Domain Cleric following a near death experience

The end of day sunlight seemed welcoming on our way back to Phandalin. The encounter with the 3 costumed elves in greenish cloaks seemed innocent enough at the beginning. The upturned mounds of earth bothered me so I readied Mold Earth cantrip and began to anticipate issues. Phavrik (the self-styled leader with tiny wings and Cobal masked head) welcomed us, then quickly espoused Cultish language of making the world a better , safer, more glorious place. We 4 knew instantly this was going to be a skirmish if not a battle. Hag and TibboH were blessed with inspiration and took first action blinding the elves. I used magic to take the upturned mound of earth to block the two elves, knowing in their state of blindness they could no longer come forward. Then I let my guard down, becoming a bit complacent about being able to handle what would come in dealing with the three costumed elves.

The Cobals suddenly appeared, using their abilities to deal great damage to me and I became unconscious. As I dropped to the ground I felt the presence of Pelor, God of the Sun and Healing beside me and knew I was not alone on my journey. In my last second of conscious thought I prayed that my three companions would survive and perhaps a healing word might bring me back to them. As I was to learn in a few moments, after Healing me Little Pocket in her inimitable way dispensed with two cobals injuring two others,leaving them to Tib and Hag.

Death comes to all of us. I was prepared but perhaps not yet ready. I survived because of faith in my Companions and in Pelor, my God.

Being able to assist at the end of the battle, allowing Hag to have the last action was emotionally healing and affirmed that Companions of Purpose are powerful, potent and not to be trifled with!


See also: Episode 18

See also: Enya’s Letters, Episode 18


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