“I often have wondered, was it just luck, that I was to find this great club, or perhaps, did it find me?”

Image of Hag


I am of human kind, a bit larger than most, some call me a Barbarian. My homeland and kin are to the south across the big water. There we roamed the forested hills, taking only what was needed to live on.

In that great land we lived among the giants as well with orcs. Common to all was the work to rid the hills of the terrible dragons, and it has been long since when the last dragon troubled us.

At the proper time of my youth I set out on my own, to complete my own life’s story. As I recall it was late in the warm season, I was aged twenty. As several moons had passed, my night’s camp fire was on the sand, at a bend of a powerful river. Upon waking, I saw that the water had become weak and small. It was then that I saw a wooden stem, of not a natural form. It was as a club form, the wood I knew to be of the iron tree. It was about five hands in length, of a good grip for me. This club has served me well, in battles with evil creatures with harm in their minds of people’s and wild animals.

I often have wondered, was it just luck, that I was to find this great club, or perhaps, did it find me?